apriˈhenSHən adj. Anticipating something with anxiety or fear.
Well, it's been a long time coming but tomorrow is the orientation for my internship! I have a new work wardrobe, a new hair cut, the address of the building, and my faithful TomTom GPS. I should be set. I guess that everyone feels some anxiety before starting a new job but it doesn't make me feel any better about walking into that building tomorrow. There is something about going to a new work atmosphere that makes me anxious about my abilities. Part of me knows that I will be just fine but the perfectionist in me pops up and starts doubting my own resolve.
Enough of that! One positive thing about having the orientation pushed back was that it gave us a chance to get to know the city a bit better! I have gotten rather comfortable driving the crazy hills out here to the west of Austin. We have found the cutest Texas town every, Wimberley. If you ever get a chance to head that way you must go to the wimberley pie co and get a piece of coconut pie! It is amazing! It's a cute town with many fun little stores and cute bed and breakfasts lining a beautiful cypress creek. My mom and I first discovered Wimberley when we picked up my couch I got on Craigslist. Danielle and Erika went with my for a day trip last week so I could get a hair cut by Dana, my cousin's aunt who happens to work in Wimberley! She did a great job on my hair too.
Tonight I went to El Chili's for happy hour (half priced appetizer's!) with Danielle, Erika, and Scott. Then the four of us headed to The Screaming Goat for trivia night. The place was so packed we had to find four chairs and made a space for ourselves in a corner of one of the rooms...leading to our team name, Cunning Corners. The clever name was our group's best achievement of the night. Unfortunately our group's knowledge was either lacking on the subjects used or we were the only team not using their iphones to look up answers. We had fun though and that is what was important.
I should probably get to sleep, 6 am will be here in no time!
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